Forest & Bird

For our third issue we have partnered with Forest and Bird to raise awareness and funds for the epic things they do!

Image taken by Steve Attwood

Image taken by Steve Attwood

20 per cent of the magazines profits are donated to charity. For our third issue, we have partnered with Forest & Bird. 

New Zealanders are proud of our natural environment and unique wildlife. When we are overseas and see the destruction of nature or the uncontrolled development of megacities, it’s reassuring to think about our wonderful native flora and fauna, rivers and mountains. These images contribute to our values as New Zealanders. Unfortunately, nature is under constant threat in Aotearoa too. Developers are chipping away at protected areas and destroying precious habitats. Commercial industries are plundering our oceans and polluting our atmosphere. The natural environment is often last on the list of management priorities for the Government. What we value is under threat.

Forest & Bird is an independent conservation organisation. We speak for the natural environment, whether it is our forests, our rivers, our climate, our coasts or our oceans. People like you support us. Our independence means that we stand up for nature in courtrooms, councils, in the media, and in the halls of Parliament without any bias. No other organisation in New Zealand does this. Through our campaigns and through our volunteers in communities working to restore the natural environment, Forest & Bird has led change in New Zealand for nearly 100 years and continues to do so.

Join Forest & Bird and help ensure that there is always an independent voice for nature.

Become a member here or email

Image taken by David Brooks

Image taken by David Brooks

Image taken by Harry Seagar

Image taken by Harry Seagar